Art History Powerpoint Presentation

Where to go for Photos and Content

Click here for Awesome Art History Links that will easily assist you in creating a totally excellent powerpoint presentation:

Click Awesome Art History Links for a huge resource of information that students found and used last year.

Be sure to write down which websites you used for your Powerpoint presentation. Include the full url (with "www." in front of it).

You will turn your list of website references in for credit. Circle new urls you found that were not on our class website. I will add them to our class website.

Grading Criteria

Your powerpoint presentation will be graded based upon the quality
of the
Content, and also on your Verbal Presentation.

Your Content Grade is based on the following:

How well did you...

• Create visual appeal - (proper editing, grammar, and the design of your slides).

• Include 10 Photos of paintings, sculptures, architecture, etc. - from at least 5 continents.

• Include "who did it, when, the style, and where it was originally done".

• Include how each artwork depicted or changed peoples’s religious,
political, social, or cultural views. In other words, explain how each art work was significant - the reason that the artist created it.

Note: Do not put sound effects or music into your presentation. These features are distracting, take too long to load, and use up too much disk memory. You should be able to present your individual powerpoint project to the class in about 5 - 10 minutes. Your partner's project is separate.

Your Verbal Presentation Grade is based on the following:

How well did you...

• Practice your presentation
(you must rehearse at least 10 times at home).

• Keep each person in the class interested.

• Entertain and instruct the class.

• Stand up straight without putting your hands in your pockets.

• Give eye contact to every person.

• Look and act professional (dress and act as you would in a corporate sales meeting).

• Present yourself aggressively, powerfully, and courageously.

Talk loud!
Note: If you have a tiny, shy, or weak voice, you will need to
yell your entire presentation in order for everyone in the class to listen to you.

Your Listening Skills Grade is based on the following"

How well did you...

Pay attention to the presenter.

Sit up straight and give the presenter good attention and eye contact. In other words, how well did you make him/her feel comfortable and interesting? Did you show attention and respect - especially if the presenter was nervous or "less than entertaining".

Success tip: The best way for you to look your best is to help others look their best.

As in any business setting, if you are disrespectful in any way, you will lose major points on your own presentation.

We look forward to your awesome presentation..

- Mr. Germain