The links on this page will greatly help you find the pictures and
information needed for your art history powerpoint presentation!

300 Important Women Artists - Medieval to Modern.

Alphabet of Art - This site explains, in simple terms, the elements of visual design. Once you understand the Alphabet, you'll be able to "read" pictures and other works of visual art and understand why they work the way they do.

Art Exhibit - WebQuest New 

Art History - Includes resources on Prehistoric, Ancient Egypt and Near East, Ancient Greece and Rome, Middle Ages, 15th and 16th Centruy Renaissance, Asian Art, African Art, and much more!

ArtiFAQ 2100 - ThinkQuest...."This project is designed to predict how art will influence our lives in the next hundred years."

Artists of the Renaissance - ThinkQuest New  

ArtLex - Visual arts dictionary

ArtsConnectEd - Be sure and click the "For Your Classroom" link. New

Art Galleries Around the World

Art Resources - Online University

Art Revolution - ThinkQuest New  

Contemporary Art Experience - ThinkQuest

Faces and Figures in Art - ThinkQuest New  

Famous Paintings Exhibition - From the WebMuseum. New 

Genres and Styles of Art

Getty Art Database

How to Understand a Work of Art - ThinkQuest New  

Impressionism - WebQuest

Inside Art - Online activity

Japanese Art Festival - WebQuest

KinderArt - Resources for K-12 teachers

Leonardo Da Vinci - ThinkQuest

Metropolitian Museum of Art - View more than 3,500 works of art in the online collection.

Museum of Web Art New 

NAEA - National Art Education Association

National Endowment for the Arts

National Gallery of Art - Don't miss the Collections link.

Paula Rego - ThinkQuest New  

Pigments Through the Ages - "How artists have colored our lives." New 

Renaissance Art World - ThinkQuest New  

Spiral Art Education - Resources for teachers. New

Study Art - Explore the world of art and artists through the interactive timeline and glossary. 

The Art Show - ThinkQuest New  

The Contemporary Art Experience - ThinkQuest

The Impressionists - There's a study guide in the Classroom section. New 

Vincent Van Gogh at Etten - ThinkQuest

WebMuseum - Artist Index...Choose an artist to study.

Why is the Mona Lisa Smiling? - ThinkQuest

World Art Treasures - The principal purpose of World Art Treasures is to promulgate the discovery and love of art.

World Wide Arts Resources - This interactive arts gateway will give you access to artists, museums, galleries, high quality art, art history, arts education, antiques, performing arts, classified ads, resume postings, arts chats, arts forums and much more.

Here are some great links discovered
by the students last year.
Please let me know of any new ones you find, so we can add them to the list!

Be sure to write down which websites you used for your Powerpoint presentation. Include the full url (with "www." in front of it).

You will turn your list of website references in for credit. Circle new urls you found that were not on our class website. I will add them to our class website.